You’re all ready to jump in the shower and start your day when you notice that the shower drain is clogged. Instead of a refreshing shower, you now have to deal with a messy cleanup. This can be really frustrating, especially if you don’t know what’s causing the clog. Read on as we discuss some of the most common causes of shower drain clogs. We will also provide tips on how to prevent them from happening in the first place.

1. Soap Scum

Soap scum is a buildup of soap, oils, and minerals that can form on surfaces that come into contact with water. Hard water, which contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, is especially prone to soap scum buildup. When hard water mixes with soap, it forms an insoluble film that clings to surfaces. Over time, this film can become hard and difficult to remove. In addition to being unsightly, soap scum can also lead to a number of problems in the home.

For instance, soap scum can clog pipes and drains, making it difficult for water to flow through them. Additionally, soap scum can make tile grout dirty and stained, and it can also create a slip hazard in the shower. There are a number of ways to prevent the formation of soap scum. Homeowners can install water softeners to reduce the amount of minerals in their water. Additionally, you can use soaps that contain less oil and fewer chemicals. Finally, you can regularly clean surfaces that are susceptible to soap scum buildup.

If soap scum is already present in the home, the best thing to do is to call a professional. They will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. This may include using special cleaners or even making changes to your plumbing. In some cases, it may be necessary to completely replace your fixtures. Whatever the case may be, a professional will be able to help you get rid of soap scum and prevent it from coming back.

2. Hair

Hair is one of the most common culprits of shower clogs. Loose hair that is not tied up can fall into the drain while you are showering. Once the hair goes down the drain, it can become entangled with soap scum and other debris that accumulates in the drain over time. Long hair can also wrap around the drain stopper and block the opening.

Hair clogs can pose several problems. First, they can cause standing water to accumulate in the shower, which can lead to the formation of mold and mildew. Second, they can block the flow of water, making it difficult to take a shower. Finally, hair clogs can cause bad odors to develop due to the buildup of standing water and the growth of bacteria.

There are several ways to dispose of hair properly so that it doesn’t end up in the drain. One option is to use a hair snare, which is a small device that sits over the drain and catches shed hair before it has a chance to go down the drain. Another option is to invest in a mesh drain cover, which has tiny holes that allow water to pass through while trapping hair on the surface. If you’re already struggling with frequent clogs due to hair in the drains, however, it’s best to consult a professional plumber for help.

3. Body Scrubs

Soap isn’t the only cause of buildup that can lead to shower drain clogs. Many body scrubs on the market today contain ingredients that can clog your drain over time. These ingredients include coffee grounds, oatmeal, and even nutshell particles. While they may be great for exfoliation, they don’t dissolve in water, which means they can easily build up in your drains.

If you choose to use a body scrub, opt for those products that use dissolvable materials like sugar or salt. You could also use an exfoliating cloth or mitt and ditch the body scrubs altogether.

4. Sand and Other Debris

Shower drains can become clogged with all kinds of debris, including dirt and grime. This accumulation of matter can eventually cause the drain to become entirely blocked, leading to a backup of water in the shower. One of the most stubborn causes of drain clogs is sand. After a beach day, it’s important to rinse sand off your body outside rather than in the shower. Sand that goes down your drain can collect inside pipes, especially older cast-iron or galvanized pipes, which are prone to corrosion.

A professional plumber can help to clear away shower and other debris and restore your shower drain to its proper functioning. In most cases, a plumber will use a special auger or snake to reach into the drain and break up the blockage. Once the debris has been removed, the plumber will then flush out the drain with water to ensure that it is clear. In some cases, a plumber may also need to install a new drain cover or putty to seal any cracks or holes.

5. Mineral Buildup

Minerals from hard water can accumulate in the drain, causing a blockage. In some cases, the buildup can be so severe that it completely blocks the drain. If left untreated, mineral buildup can cause extensive damage to your plumbing. There are a few simple steps you can take to prevent mineral buildup in your shower drain.

First, make sure that you have a good water filter installed. This will help to remove many of the minerals from your water before they have a chance to build up in the drain. Second, avoid using harsh chemicals to clean your shower. These chemicals can break down the finish on your fixtures, leaving them more susceptible to mineral deposits. The best way to deal with severe mineral buildup is to call a professional plumber.

6. Rust

Rust is simply iron oxide, and it occurs when oxygen and water react with iron. This chemical reaction causes the iron to break down, and this process can cause structural damage to buildings and other metal objects. When rust forms on the inside of a pipe, it can quickly cause a blockage. As the rust builds up, it starts to restrict the flow of water, and eventually, the pipe will become completely clogged.

A professional can help to remove rust from your shower drain using a number of different methods. They may use a chemical cleaner to dissolve the rust, or they may use a mechanical tool to scrape it away. They can also use hydro jetting, which involves blasting water through the pipe at high pressure to break up the rust and flush it away. In addition, a professional plumber will be able to recommend ways to prevent rust in the future, such as using corrosion-resistant pipes or regularly cleaning and inspecting your pipes.

Get in Touch With Professionals Today!

Looking for a reliable plumbing company in San Jose or the surrounding Silicon Valley? Look no further than Plumbtree Plumbing & Rooter. We offer a wide range of services, including hydro jetting, drain cleaning, water heater repair and installation, and plumbing fixture installation. For large projects, we even offer financing services for customers with approved credit. Contact us today and get to learn more about our services.

Josh Gibson

Hi, I’m Josh. I’ve been around plumbing my whole life. When I was 5-6 years old my family built a home where I did a lot of the sanding of copper pipe and definitely some playing in the mud. Plumbing is a major part of my family as I am a fourth-generation plumber. The skills I bring to the job are a good technical knowledge of plumbing and code requirements. I am often complimented on my hands-on problem-solving skills.
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